Muslim Baby Boy Names With Meanings 2022

Baby boy names muslim unique with meaning | Baby boy names muslim 2022 a to z

If you are looking for Baby boys name Muslim along with the meaning? We have some of the names which we have chosen for you. Let’s dive into the details shall we.

1AabanName of the angel
2AabidOne who is true worshipper of Allah
3AadeelIt means just or upright
4AadroopEmbodiment of the sun
5AaftabIt is used to mean the brilliance of the sun
6AalimA man of wise learning
7AamanThe man who protects with no fear
8AamirPopulous, full prosperous
9AaqilA wise and intelligent one
11AarizRespectable one
13AbaanClear, Eloquent
14AbbasDescription of a lion
17AbdallaA servant of god
18Abdal rahmanServant of the merciful one
19AbdarGlittering with water
21Abdu LrazzadHe who obeys his provider
22Abdu RashidThe one who serves his teacher
23AbdulServant of God
24Abdul AdilThe One who acts justly
25Abdul HakeemA Servant of Allah
26Abdul HaqqOne who serves the truth
27Abdul MajeedA gracious servant of Allah
28Abdul MatinA devotee who serves the most powerful
29Abdul MuhayminSlave of Allah
30Abdul MuqaddemSlaves of the Almighty Allah
31Abdul MuqtadirA person who assists a powerful and strong person
32Abdul MusawwirServant of the most powerful Allah
33Abdul MuzzaniName of the narrator of Hadith
34Abdul MutaaliA gracious servant of Allah
35Abdul NaseerServant of the victorious one
36Abdul QawiA strong devotee of the Mighty Islam
37Abdul RasheedServant of the one who correctly guide
38Abdul RashidSlave of the all right minded personality
39Abdul SalaamA great personality who helps the peaceful and calm one
40Abdul SameeHe who voice can be heard by the God
41Abdul SattarHe who serves the protector of man
42Abdul TawaabHe who serves the forgiving God
43Abdul WadudA loving servant of his God
44Abdul WahhabOne who serves master well and sincerely
45Abdul WakilIt means an act of serving God
46Abdul WaliThe servant or slave of the comrade
47Abdul WaseeA servant who understands and does work in a comprehensive manner
48Abdul-AdheemOne who serves the greatest power
49Abdul-AlimServant of the omniscient
50Abdul-AliyyServant of the most high
51Abdul-AzeezServant of the mighty
52Abdul-AzimServant of the mighty
53Abdul-AzizServant of the powerful one
54Abdul-BaaqiServant of the everlasting God
55Abdul-BaariServant of the creator
56Abdul-BasitServant of the extender
57Abdul-FattahServant of the opener
58Abdul-GhaffarServant of the forgiver
59Abdul-HaafizServant of the protector
60Abdul-HadiServant of the guide
61Abdul-HakamServant of the arbitrator
62Abdul-HamidServant of the praisd one
63Abdul-HaseebServant of the respected
64Abdul-JabbarServant of the mighty
65Abdul-JaleelServant of the great one
66Abdul-KarimServant of the noble one
67Abdul-LatifServant of the kind one
68Abdul-MajidServant of the glorious one
69Abdul-mueidServant of the Allah
70Abdul-NasirServant of the protector
71Abdul-QaadirServant of the powerful one
72Abdul-Ra’ufServant of the most merciful one
73Abdul-RaheemServant of the most compassionate one
74Abdul-SalaamServant of the peaceful one
75Abdul-SamadServant of the eternal one
76Abdul-TawwabServant of the forgiving one
77Abdul-WaahidServant the one and only one
78AbdulaakhirHe who doesn’t change as the world messes up his life
79AbduladlThe servant of the unique lord
80AbdulafuwServant of the forgiving one
81AbdulfaatahA servant of solid character
83AbdullateefOne who serves a kind and noble man
85AbharThe one who is clever and intellectual
86AbidWorshipper of god
87AbrakThe blessed one
88AbyanVery clean one
89AddielRighteous one
91AfanGrowth or progress
92AfdalExcellent one
93AfeefModest one
94AgrimAlways ahead
95AhmadVariation of the name Muhammad
96AkbarBig Man
97AkeemInsightful one
98AkilIntelligent one
99AkramMost generous
100AkyasIntelligent one
101Al AbbasDescription of a lion
103Alaa UdeenExcellence of religion
104AladdinNobility of faith
106AliThe noble one
107Ali BabaGreat leader
109AlimLearned one
110AliyyThe excellent one
111AltairThe flying eagle
112AlulaFirst born
113AlvanOne who has a fair complexion
114AmadName referred to the prophet Muhammad
117AminFaithful One
118AmjadGlorious one
121AnasA group of people
122AneesClose friend
123Anum God’s favors upon humans
125AqibAnother name for prophet Muhammad
127ArdalanA Kurdish vassal
129ArifKnowledgable one
132ArqaA person noted for his refined taste in things
133ArshPure one
134ArzhangThe long poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi
136AsadelProsperous one
138AshfaqNoble prince
139AshrafMost honorable
141AsimProtector, guardian
145AtifCompassionate one
147AwmarThe one who with a long life
148AwradA youthful and rose looking child
149AyaazRespected and enduring
151AyoobA prophet’s name
152AysarOne who is affluent
153AyubCompanion of prophet Muhammad
154AyyashLong lived one
155AzazStrong One
157BaahirBrilliant one
158BaashirA brave and loyal one
159BabatundeThe father who has returned for good
160Badr Al DinFull moon of the faith
161BadshahKing of luck
162BahaMagnificent one
163BahadarBrave One
164BahirBrilliant One
165BajesPowerful warrior
167BaraatOne who is secure
169BarhiThanking the world
170BarirHonest and faithful one
171BarkatOne who is blessed and lucky
172BarlasAn authoritative and strong willed person
173BashaarBringer of glad tidings
174BashirA good omen
175BasiratOne who observes his surroundings well
177BechirThe man who is able to discern well
178BehlolA saint of divine foresight
179BehramHe who comes from Mars
180BekirThe first child of the family
181BilalName of the prophet’s muezzin
183ChamaliHe who gives water
184Da’udArabic form of David
185DaaimOne with a deep personality
186DaaoodName of a prophet
188DadvarHe who is sincere and just
189DaleelGuide and Mentor
190DarveshA saintly person who has taken vow of poverty
191Dhul FiqaarThe name of the prophet’s sword
192EbrahimFather of nations
193EhsanArabic word for perfection
194ElsamhudiLove of Allah
196FaadhilA generous personality
197FaarehA Happy Person
198FaarooqHe who distinguishes truth from falsehood
199FaatirOne who makes joy in life
200FaazSuccessful One
201FakhirPerson of excellent character
202FareedUnique One
203FarehOne who is happy
204FarzadSplendid birth
205FasalOne who is blessed to decide
206FasihA well versed and learned man
207FazilSuperior One
208FaziuddinOne who belongs to the bountiful religion
209FerozSuccessful one
210FidaanOne who manipulates the situation
212GadielGod is my fortune
214GhassanOld Arabic name
215GhatoolIt means the tulip flower
216GivonFrom the hills or heights
219HaakimOne who is wise
220HaamidPraising god
221HaaniHappy One
222HabeebOne who everyone loves
223HabbieA smart and famous person
224HabeelOne who is accepted by Allah
225HafeezA protector
226HafizurShrewd Businessman
227HajaraOne who shines
228HakeemInsightful one
229HalimPatient One
231HarimA superior man
233HaythamYoung Hawk
235HoudA prophet’s name
236HudhayfahOld Arabic Name
238IbraheemA prophet’s name
239IdrisA prophet’s name
240IfranOne with an identity
243ImaraThe enliven one
244ImtiyazGreat King
245InayathGenerous One
247IravatRain Clouds


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